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My First Acupuncture Experience

Last month I decided to try out Acupuncture to see if it is something I find helpful on my healing journey.

I've had a lot of questions about the experience so I thought I would share in a post what it was like beginning to end, so you can see if it's something you'd be interested in!

I know a lot of people seek Acupuncture as a way to help with chronic pain or athletic issues, but I went for chronic stress and trauma.

When I was searching for an Acupuncturist I ensured their website talked about Acupuncture as a holistic healing modality and it's ability to treat stress-as that's what I wanted to go for.

Once I decided on an Acupuncturist and scheduled-she sent me some forms to fill out detailing my physical, mental and emotional symptoms, what I wanted Acupuncture to treat, any past trauma, and medical concerns.

The day of my appointment I brought those forms and we spent the first hour of my two hour appointment discussing everything I had been through in the past two years-with her filling me in on the connection to the different body parts related to each emotion I had experienced repetitively as of late.

She then educated me on how it would work, what it would feel like and what to expect. From there, I laid down on the table, took my shoes and socks off (much to my horror as I hadn't painted my toenails) and allowed her to work.

Essentially, all of your organs and parts of your bodies influence and are influenced by emotions. If you are struggling with specific emotions that indicates to her what parts need needles...or in my case, she stuck me with needles and then told me which emotions they triggered.

The needles didn't hurt, you couldn't feel them unless there was a blockage. The needles for my liver hurt, which indicated to her that was where most of my tension was being held and she asked about medical concerns with my liver. I let her know that the meds I've been on for the past year are destroying my liver, so that made sense.

She also found that my gull bladder was blocked, which indicated being tired of making decisions. I informed her fear, stress and night terrors as being other mental ailments, and this prompted her where to place other needles.

Aside from my liver, my head needle also hurt as well as produced blood- this was my stress and she indicated that blood being produced was exhibiting just how overfilled I was with stress.

As she was placing these needles, she was giving me other options to help with these emotions aside from just regular Acupuncture (sour foods for anger, stop making all of the decisions in your life and go more with the flow, EFT spots for my nightmares).

Once the treatment was over, she said that some people get sick the next day but only if they're highly sensitive. I am, and I did. She told me to rest and she'd reach out to check in further.

The next day I was sick, not terrible but just almost felt like a cold-low energy, nauseous, achy. She texted to ask how I was feeling and I let her know I was a HSP (highly sensitive person)!

I've considered scheduling to go back, but to be honest, I'm not sure what it helped. I didn't feel good afterward and I haven't noticed a difference in my stress or nightmares. I think it is a process, not a one and done thing though, so I'm not opposed.

I have backed off of making so many decisions and it's been GLORIOUS.

Overall, I enjoyed the experience, I found it to be interesting and relaxing. The only negatives I could maybe say if I was being picky (aside from getting sick) is that my Acupuncturist talked a lot (I'm someone who is VERY comfortable in silence) and she talked a lot about herself (which I kind of didn't want right then as that's my career).

But I'd say a very positive experience and very interesting! I'd say you should at least try it!

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