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March Identity Work: Finding my Feminine Essence

During our last Full Moon, as a part of my Full Moon Ceremony I was pulling Oracle cards to help me identify what I needed to release for that moon cycle.

I asked my spirit guides how I could learn to not be so critical of myself, as this is something I KNOW I need to let go of doing, and the response was, "connect with your feminine side."

So that became my goal and intentions for my identity work this March.

We all (men and women) have both masculine energy and feminine energy, but usually we operate individually more on one side of the energetic frequency than the other.

I would definitely say I am someone who operates more from my masculine energy...typically in a state of DOING, operating from logic and reason, more dominant by nature. It's very telling of my double Aries placements, honestly.

But learning to access more of my feminine essence makes a lot of sense as far as it helping to eliminate my tendency to criticize.

Masculine energy is often looking for how to improve (being critical of flaws), looking at things with logic (devoid of emotional attachment) and more dominant (rather than being able to receive).

Getting in touch with my feminine essence means:

-allowing my intuition to guide my decisions as opposed to just logic

-going with the flow as opposed to trying to control outcomes

-expressing my feelings and needs

-being receptive (and attracting rather than creating all of the time)

-in a state of BEING where I can be more in touch with the world around me

So this is my March identity work, learning to bring a more feminine essence to who I am. Or rather, allowing the feminine essence that's already there to make more of an appearance.

So far I've started by reading a book to give me some guidance, it's called, "Powerful and Feminine" by Rachael Groover.

I also created a feminine mood board in my journal to help me keep in touch internally with what I'm trying to integrate:

What I've learned in this first week and am putting into practice is the importance of connecting with your body to access your feminine...taking things slowly, moving slowly and mindfully, feeling into the lower half of your body as apparently masculine energy is held in the upper half.

Excited to see what I learn and how I feel at the conclusion of this month (I almost wrote what I ACCOMPLISH instead of feel, my masculine energy just can't help itself, lol).

Comment below any tips or insights you have about accessing your feminine. I love to learn!

Have a great March!

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